Doc, you are invited to The Sell Your Coaching Summit, taking place on June 4 – 5, 2023. I created this challenge for the woman doctor who has achieved a certain transformation and can help someone else achieve the same but doesn’t know how to sell or market. Click Here to join me. ****************************************************************************** There’s something about calling yourself ‘a coach’, something […]

Courses, Education, entrepreneurship

May 8, 2023

Episode 047: The Coach Identity

Welcome to another episode of The Doctor Coach School™ Podcast. I have such a special treat for you today because this might be our first repeat guest on the DCS Podcast, my amazing client Dr. Maya. Dr. Maya talks about moments where she has had slumps and dips in her business because of dips in her […]

Courses, Education, entrepreneurship

April 28, 2023

Episode 046: Doubling Down On Belief With Dr. Maya

Welcome to another episode of The Doctor Coach School™ Podcast. In today’s episode, I am going behind the scenes of a lot of the typical traditional marketing messages that you may be hearing. I am giving you the why from my point of view. I think this is important because I never want you guys to […]

Courses, Education, entrepreneurship

April 24, 2023

Episode 045: Sell To The People Who Are Ready

Welcome to another episode of The Doctor Coach School™ Podcast.The other day, I was listening to Amy Porterfield, an incredibly successful woman coach. She is a coach and a course creator. She has a multiple seven-figure business. She’s been in business for maybe eight or nine years. Someone was interviewing her. She just had a book that […]

Courses, Education, entrepreneurship

April 17, 2023

Episode 044: Stop Writing Books

Welcome to my 2023 Q1 Review. I am reviewing my Q1 of 2023. The wins, the losses, the lessons, what worked, what didn’t work, I will give you all of the insights, all of that good stuff. Q1 of every single year I’ve been in business has been a period to just put my head […]

Courses, Education, entrepreneurship

April 10, 2023

Episode 043: My Q1 2023 Review

Welcome to another episode of The Doctor Coach School™ Podcast. I want you to picture a Venn diagram with three overlapping circles. The intersection of all of these circles is the Pocket of belief. Click here to view the Venn diagram. Your goal is to move your clients to the pocket of belief.  Everything in your content, […]

Courses, Education, entrepreneurship

April 3, 2023

Episode 042: What Makes Clients Buy

Welcome to another episode of The Doctor Coach School™ Podcast. Have you ever spent time desiring and craving engagement on your social media content? You feel some type of way when you see people you follow and listen to get engagement on their pages because you think your content is also valuable and you too should […]

Courses, Education, entrepreneurship

March 27, 2023

Episode 041: Why The Lurkers Buy

Welcome to another episode of The Doctor Coach School™ Podcast. Last year, I had a moment during a launch where I allowed my belief to be shaken. It impacted me, my team and my results. My launches then were incredibly exhausting. They were mentally exhausting and that was not sustainable. I did not want that anymore. […]

Courses, Education, entrepreneurship

March 20, 2023

Episode 040: The 2 Agreements That Skyrocketed My Success

Welcome to another episode of The Doctor Coach School™ Podcast. In today’s episode, I interview Dr. Lulu. Dr. Lulu aka the Momatrician is a Nigerian-born pediatrician, parent coach, bestselling author and CEO of Dr. Lulu’s Life Coaching Lounge. She is the mother of a transgender young adult and works with parents struggling with accepting and […]

Courses, Education, entrepreneurship

March 13, 2023

Episode 039: Radical Self-Belief with Dr. Lulu

The doors to The Doctor Coach School™️are open. If you want to Make Your First $100K and Get Your Clients 100% Results, click HERE to submit your application by March 12th at 11:59 PM EST. ****************************************************************************** In this episode, I talk about the DCS treatment bridge. This is a framework that I developed in DCS to teach my clients how to […]

Courses, Education, entrepreneurship

March 9, 2023

Episode 38: The Treatment Bridge