Episode 133: From Coaching For Free To 4 Clients In 30 Days With Dr. Nondumiso

The Doors of The Doctor Coach School™ are open. The Doctor Coach School™ is the only comprehensive coach certification program for women doctors of color who want to hit $100K, creating income and impact outside their doctor job.

It includes a curriculum on marketing, an entire training dedicated to running high-converting sales calls, training on how to utilize and develop your very own coaching tools and frameworks that get your clients results, and a simple process for how to launch your scalable group coaching offer.

Join for $20K paid in full or 6 monthly payments of $3350. WE ARE NOW OFFERING FLEXIBLE PAYMENT PLANS WHERE YOU CAN PAY OVER THE COURSE OF 12-36 MONTHS.

Click here to apply to The Doctor Coach School™

The last day to book your call is Monday, July 8th at 11:59 PM EST.

Here’s the simple process:

1. SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TO THE SCHOOL. The last day to apply is July 8th at 11:59 PM EST. The application is simple but please be thorough.

2. Immediately after submitting your application, book your sales call with me.

3. On the sales call, I will take your history (determine where you are currently, what you’ve tried in the past, and where you want your business to be), and then I will give you my diagnosis, assessment, and the plan you should take to reach $100K. Come to the call and leave with the EXACT plan that will help you make $100K and get your clients 100% results.

4. If I believe you are a good fit for DCS, I will invite you to join the school and will give you the next steps to onboarding and enrollment. If you aren’t a good fit, you will walk away from the call knowing exactly what your next steps should be.

5. There are 3 payment options: You can either pay $20K in full, pay $3350 monthly for 6 months, or enroll in 3rd party funding to pay over 12-36 months. If you elect to do 3rd party funding, you will submit a $500 deposit to secure your spot as you move through the funding process.

6. Once you submit your payment, you will receive immediate access to the DCS course portal as well as the DCS Slack channel.

Click here to apply to DCS.


Today's episode is the first of a new mini-series featuring clients in The Doctor Coach School™. I am excited to present amazing doctor coaches, and it is an honor to start with my first guest, Dr. Nondumiso.

Dr. Nondumiso shares her unique journey from clinical physician to doctor coach. She shares her ancestry in a family of healers and how her childhood growing up in South Africa during Apartheid defined her purpose in life, which was to serve and heal others.

We discuss pivotal moments in Dr. Nondumiso's career, especially her decision to become a doctor coach. She shares her experience building a doctor-coaching business and The Doctor Coach School™'s crucial role in supporting her entrepreneurial efforts.

Through sharing candid stories and relatable experiences, Dr. Nondumiso outlines the impact of DCS on her coaching business and offers insights for doctor coaches looking to grow as entrepreneurs.


Dr. Nondumiso Makhunga-Stevenson Is a South African born MD who recently immigrated to the USA and is currently based in North Carolina . She was born in Umlazi , a township in Durban , to a family of healers. Her mother is a retired intensive care nurse and her father a medical doctor. Being born in the era of apartheid to a middle class family made her acutely aware of social iniquities around her. After completing her studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal , she relocated to the UK as a resident Medical Officer before returning to South Africa where she worked in various roles within the South African health system and in projects that covered anglophone Africa. She has extensive experience in leadership in public, private and non-profit sectors. In her spare time , she enjoys spending time with her family, listening to podcasts and watching documentaries. She is the founder of Ubuntu Doctor Coaching , where she aims to promote the Ubuntu philosophy for leadership and team coaching for doctors and healthcare organizations. Dr Nondumiso is the podcast host of Doctors of the Baobab , a podcast that profiles doctors of African descent in Africa and the diaspora. Her ambition is to build a panAfrican business.

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