Episode 145: Building Belief As a Revenue-Generating Activity

Join me for The Turn Your Story Into A 5k+ Offer That is Ready To Be Sold 3-Day Challenge.

We kick off on Sunday, September 15th- Tuesday, September 16th.

Click here to register.

In this free challenge, I will show you the exact steps to turning your story into a 5k+ Offer.

Here’s the Schedule:

Day #1 (9/15 at 8PM EST): PURPOSE: Your Person + The Problem You Solve

Day #2 (9/16 at 8PM EST): POSITIONING: Your Presence + Your Proposition

Day #3 (9/17 at 8PM EST): PROFIT: Your Pricing Strategy

Upgrade to a VIP ticket and have the opportunity to:

  • Be in the Zoom room with other VIP attendees (everyone else will be in a Facebook group)
  • Become my client for the 3 days→you will be able to ask me questions and get coached by me on your niche, your offer, and your pricing
  • Extended access to the replays (14 days vs 24 hours)

VIP tickets are $97. Click here to register and be sure to upgrade to VIP.

During the challenge, I will open the doors to IPMD: Intellectual Property Mastery for Doctors™. IPMD is a 3-month, immersive experience where you will build your belief in yourself as a coach and build your Intellectual Property. You will walk away with tangible tools and strategies that will allow you to show up for your potential clients ready to serve them, with IP that gets results.

I’ll see you in the room.


Building belief is an active process that will create the revenue you want in your business. Without a process for building belief, your doctor coaching business will not be successful.

In today's episode, I underscore the necessity of actively building belief as a revenue-generating strategy. I discuss the importance of goal setting and how to leverage goals as an evaluation tool, not an external measure of validation. I also share my experience developing belief in the transformative value I offer my clients and how this mindset shift has led to substantial business growth. Then, I outline the Action-Belief process from my DCS program, a powerful self-coaching tool that pairs beliefs with actions to achieve new results.

Whether you're just starting your coaching business or aiming to hit your next revenue milestone, this episode is for you. Tell yourself what you want to believe, name your feelings, and get the results you want.

Tune in to discover how to drive revenue through building and reinforcing beliefs.