Episode 150: My 2024 Q3 Review: Part One

The third quarter felt like a whole year! So much has happened in Q3 of 2024, so much has changed, and I am excited to share it with you all. 

My internal battery was low in July. I was tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed. Feelings I had about hating my business were still lingering and It was really challenging to work my way out of those negative emotions.

I launched a challenge and even though the messaging was spot on, it wasn’t landing. I didn’t hit my launch goal. I felt detached, confused, and overwhelmed. The problem? I tried to outwork my lack of belief. That doesn’t work. I wasn’t producing from a place of belief and that’s a non-starter. 

Then I met with my biz bestie and she shared the second offer she added to her business. That conversation opened my eyes to new possibilities for my business. Our meeting led to the creation of IPMD

I started a brand new Mastermind with my coach and attended her 3-day retreat. My coach told me I had a money block and created a glass ceiling for myself in my own mind. I didn’t see it, but what if that was true?

So, I read A Happy Pocket Full of Money and it completely changed the way I think about money. In part 2 of my quarterly review I share how shifting my mindset about money transformed my business. Stay tuned for next week!