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Episode 023: Manufactured Confusion: How you’re creating a lack of clarity in your life in order to keep yourself small

podcast Jun 08, 2020

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Hey, Squad! This week continues to be HEAVY, as we have been protesting and mourning the deaths of Ahmad Arbury, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. As I stated in last week’s episode, I believe that my purpose is my activism. MY PURPOSE IS AN ACT OF DEFIANCE, because I am bucking the status quo of this white supremacist society…AND I am helping other Black women and women of color do the same.

Today’s episode is all about CLARITY. We often erroneously wait for clarity to magically come to us…however, as you will hear in this episode, this is simply PROCRASTINATION. In this episode, I will share stories of how my own lack of clarity kept me small and how I was able to get clarity in order to move forward in my life and business.

ANNOUNCEMENT: If you are a high-achieving woman of color who aspires to be an entrepreneur, and wants actionable strategies for overcoming the procrastination and imposter syndrome you feel so that you can begin walking in your purpose, then I would love to have you in Cycle 2 of Procrastination to Purpose! Go to to add yourself to the waitlist.

If you are ready RIGHT NOW to take that first step, then click here to schedule your free 30 minute strategy call with me so we can see if you would be a good fit for Cycle 2!

Download the planning for procrastinators guide here!

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