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Episode 051: Bonus! Live Interview with Dr. Catherine, Participant in The 5-Day Challenge

podcast Dec 08, 2020

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Squad, I had the most amazing time interviewing Dr. Catherine!!!

I’m so so so excited because I still can’t believe how transformational just ONE day of the  Push Through Procrastination™ 5-Day Challenge could be to y’all!

Dr. Catherine Toomer, MD is a Family Medicine Specialist and a community health physician who is the founder of Health Wellness and Weight Loss Centers, LLC, and the creator of Whole-You Total Weight Loss™, a telehealth coaching, and counseling service to help people maximize their health and wellness to weight loss.

In this interview, she gives us a testimonial of her remarkable transformation from the last Push Through Procrastination™ 5-Day Challenge.

I’m normally not much of a challenge person because my attention span usually doesn’t take me through all the days of the challenge, but I thought if I don’t do this, then I’m feeding right into the procrastination that I’m trying to fix. And so I joined. ~ Dr. Catherine

In this episode we talk about:

  • Procrastination is not you being lazy.
  • How profound keeping your morning promise and NOT snoozing is critical to overcoming procrastination.
  • Ignoring your Cavewoman.
  • The impact of NOT procrastinating.

Squad, this short interview is power-packed with so many nuggets of what I teach you. I’m so glad that Catherine said that she felt what she was getting from the Challenge was NOT a watered-down version of what I do, or I didn’t give her just enough so that she knew she needed it; it was like BOOM! This is it! She knew she was getting the meat and potatoes of what this was right from the beginning.

Y’all know, I give you my all. If we are doing something, we go all the way.

So if you haven’t signed up for the FREE  Push Through Procrastination™ 5-Day Challenge, what are you waiting for? Sign up HERE!

Mentioned in this episode:
Dr. Catherine’s website:
Her Facebook page: 
Whole-You Total Weight Loss™


This week’s podcast episode is sponsored by my freebie: The Procrastinators Guide to Starting a Business.

Want to take the first step to overcome procrastination? Click here to take the Productive on Purpose Procrastination Personality Test! (You will also be added to my email list.)

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