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Episode 053: What is Really Stopping You From Showing Up and Serving

podcast Dec 16, 2020

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What up SQUAD!!!!

Y’all can tell I’m excited from all them exclamation marks. I have had such an AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE, IMPACTFUL, CRAZY, and PRODUCTIVE week during my  Push Through Procrastination™ 5-Day Challenge!

I can’t believe it! Close to 200 women signed up. The testimonies… I am so grateful. I am blown away, I am overjoyed.

Before we get into it, if you’re a high achieving woman but you know there’s that you’re NOT fully walking in your purpose

You have a way that you want to show up in this world and serve, but you don’t know where to start. Especially because you procrastinate… I want to help you.

I invite you to sign up for my upcoming Procrastination to Purpose™ Program.  The doors are NOW open and will close on Wednesday, December 23rd. You are my people and I know you, so don’t procrastinate and be scrambling to sign up on the last day.

Our kickoff call will be on Monday, December 28th and we start the program on Wednesday, January 6th.

So, let’s get into the real reason you are not showing up for yourself.

You don’t TRUST yourself.

Whaaaaat??!!! Yes Sis, your unconscious mind has learned over the YEARS that you don’t keep your promises to yourself. Y’all know my story. I would snooze, scramble to get to work, be unproductive by scrolling social media, thrive on deadlines – you know how we procrastinators love deadlines and break promises to others.

You’re NOT a bad person. You’re NOT deficient in some way. You DON’T have a character flaw issue. You are a human being that has an unconscious mind that is setting you up.

Your unconscious mind, which we call our inner Cavewoman, is trying to protect you from failure. And so, we use procrastination as a crutch to prevent us from feeling the hurt and rejection that comes from failing.

My take-aways from this episode:

  • Your relationship with yourself (which is unconscious) is the most impactful relationship of all.
  • You cannot walk in your purpose with a trail of broken promises.
  • Affirmations are empty. They only work when there’s evidence of actions paired with the affirming words.

Mentioned in this episode:  


This week’s podcast episode is sponsored by my freebie: The Procrastinators Guide to Starting a Business.

Want to take the first step to overcome procrastination? Click here to take the Productive on Purpose Procrastination Personality Test! (You will also be added to my email list.)

Sign up HERE for my paid program  Procrastination to Purpose™ to start FULLY walking in your purpose!

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