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Episode 057: Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes: Habit Building Masterclass for the New Year

podcast Jan 04, 2021

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What up, Squad!

Happy New Year!!!
If you are listening to this, you made it!

Our purpose is not postponed just because there is a pandemic. In fact, I would submit to you that our purpose is even more crucial at this time.

By now, y’all know I’m a strong believer that every day, every morning is a God-given chance to draw closer to our Zone of Proximal Greatness.

Last year, I hosted a Habit Board Party. This year, I decided, as a gift to my community that I would do it in the form of this podcast. So this is going to be a Habit-Building Masterclass y’all.

Y’all know my story.

After my mom passed away, I decided that I was going to walk in my purpose. I started listening to all these podcasts, bought all these courses… By looking at my life, you wouldn’t tell that I had these aspirations and dreams because nothing changed.

I was still snoozing, and a procrastinating hot mess.

I was consuming a lot of information, but I wasn’t implementing anything. I had a lot of dreams, goals, and desires, but my day-to-day existence was the same.

What I want for you is that we engage in habits that on a daily basis support the goals that we have. We are going to be honest with ourselves, and get deeper into how our good and bad habits serve us. 

I’m taking you step by step through this process and helping you start new habits to take you closer to your purpose in 2021 in this Masterclass.

Download the Habit Board Party Workbook HERE!

Mentioned in this episode:
Episode 000-Welcome to the POP Podcast!
Episode 005: The Cavewoman Within
BONUS! Episode 014:- Get in the Zone: The Zone of Proximal Greatness
Episode 056: Profiles in Purpose: My Q4 and 2020 Year in Review

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear


I invite you to take my Productive on Purpose™ Community SurveyI am developing a membership site for my Squad to gain accountability, connection, and to level up our lives together.

👉🏾 I would love to know what your hopes, dreams, and desires are, as well as how you think I can best help you.

👉🏾 _The first 20 people who fill out this form will receive a $20 Starbucks gift card! Take a screenshot or picture of the survey “Thank you” page, and email it to me at [email protected]

Want to take the first step to overcome procrastination? Click here to take the Productive on Purpose Procrastination Personality Test! (You will also be added to my email list.)

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